About me

This is a personal site, reporting on my DIY adventures experimenting with computer devices and solutions. The site covers a wide range of topics, from GPS navigation to e-Ink, domotics, Linux and keyboard building.


Contact me: tinkeringjournal@proton.me

Two main goals for this site:

  • Help others learn what I have learned.
  • Create a reference for myself.

The common theme is that most projects on this site have a computer component. That means that either some programming or some configuring of software is involved. I only use free and open source software. Also, I like my projects to be autonomous, so I try to stay away from cloud solutions.


The use of any information from this website is at your own risk!

To be abslutely clear:

Tinkering: to repair, adjust, or work with something in an unskilled or experimental manner.

I do the best I can, but in the end I am just messing around. The more I dive into something the more I realize how little I know and how much more knowledge there is with other people. If something works for me, that does not mean that it is a good solution or even safe, so again:

The use of any information from this website is at your own risk!

Attribution to original creators for the work I used:

Hugo XMag theme by Yihui Xie is the base for the Hugo theme of this site.

Chomsky font is the font used for the masthead.

Zilla Slab is the font used for all text on the site. Love this font on my Kobo e-reader and it works remarkably well with the theme of this site too.

Fantasque Sans Mono is the font used for code examples. This is the font I also use in my editors and terminal while developing. And yes, I actually like the looped lowercase “k”.

Stock photos from pixabay.com by Shirley Hirst, Pete Linforth, PDPics and Gerd Altmann.

Stock photos from pexels.com by Ivory Huang, Pew Nguyen, FOX, Nguyen Son Tung, Pablo Punk, Jonathan Pham, Kamil Zubrzycki and Digital Buggu.